Know the difference between different workers' compensation claims

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, there are several types of benefits that may be available following a workplace accident that leads to injury or illness.

The first is the one that readers are likely most familiar with, which is payment for lost wages. These benefits could be awarded to workers who apply if they are either partially disabled and making less than they did before the illness or injury, or, in the alternative if they are unable to work because of being completely disabled.

The second is medical care. Among other things, prostheses, orthopedic appliance, supplies, medicine and hospital treatment are covered under workers' compensation, for the period of time they are needed by a worker.

Specific loss benefits could be provided to workers who suffer a permanent disfigurement of the neck, face or head. In addition, those who have permanently lost their hearing or sight or certain body parts, including a toe, foot, leg, arm, hand, finger or thumb, could secure a specific loss award.

The last type of benefit pertains specifically to surviving dependents of workers who die as a result of injuries suffered while working. Death benefits may be available to dependents who apply.

Though workers' compensation benefits are available in many situations, they are not guaranteed. When an employer initially denies a request, a lawyer may be of assistance. If you have questions about workers' compensation, please call the Pittsburgh workers' compensation lawyers at Dugan & Associates today for a free consultation at 412-922-0800.

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