Benefits provided by workers' compensation

If you suffer an injury on the job, it can have far-reaching, devastating effects on your livelihood. In addition to the immediate unexpected expenses arising from medical bills, you may also be unable to go to work and earn wages depending on the nature of your injury. In the face of such a daunting financial hole, you may wonder just how much workers' compensation benefits can help.

It may surprise you to learn that workers' compensation benefits are quite extensive. Generally speaking, there are four areas that workers' compensation benefits cover: medical treatment, short-term disability, permanent disability and vocational rehabilitation. Between these four categories, you will likely have at least some kind of financial assistance or compensation no matter the extent or nature of your injuries.

With medical coverage, you can expect that any treatment you need for the injury will be covered, so long as the treatment is reasonably required due to the specific injury. Short-term disability payments will offer partial compensation for the wages you are unable to earn as you recover from disability while permanent disability will provide income for individuals who are unable to return to work. Finally, vocational rehabilitation refers to paying for training that is necessary in order to obtain new work that may be required if your injury prevents you from returning to your previous position.

As you can see, workers' compensation benefits are comprehensive, and they can be the difference between getting well and going back to work and never truly recovering financially from the accident or injury. That is why it is so important for employees to be able to take advantage of the benefits that they are entitled to. If you have suffered an injury on the job in Pennsylvania, consider meeting with an attorney who can help you better understand what you expect from workers' compensation and how to ensure you make the most of your benefits.

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