Work related faults due to defective equipment

Many construction workers suffer falls due to defective equipment at a construction site, which can end a career or life. Severe injuries can also take place when employees are expected to handle heavy machinery and equipment. If an employee has not been properly trained to operate such equipment, accidents are bound to happen.

Falling from ladders has become one of the most common and most serious problems occurring at a construction site. Many construction workers suffer serious injuries or death due to malfunctioning ladders, slippery surfaces and poor footing. The second most common problem faced by construction workers is scaffolding falls.

These work-related injuries will be covered by your workers' compensation, however, that will not cover any additional medical checkups, physical therapy or counseling if needed or any other expenses for your treatment. The injuries you have sustained may be life threatening, such as spinal cord injury, paralysis, brain injury, coma, loss of limb or respiratory illness.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards are in place to dictate procedures when injuries happen. Unfortunately, neither the company you work for nor OSHA can protect employees from personal injuries or death at their work site.

If you or a loved has been injured in work-related injury you may want to file a claim against the employer or the manufacturer of the equipment that caused the injury. Unfortunately, the process of getting proper compensation to pay for medical expenses, rehabilitation and pain and suffering can be long and arduous. That's why it may be in your best interest to speak with an attorney who specializes in workers' compensation cases.


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