Traumatic brain injuries and falls

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are severe head injuries that result in significant damage to the brain. TBIs can often cause nausea, dizziness, confusion, reduced mental faculties, and migraines. These symptoms can last for months or years after an accident. In fact, it isn't unheard of for some victims to experience these symptoms for the remainder of their life. This post will go over TBIs and how you can sustain them from something as innocuous as a fall.


A mere slip, trip, or fall can result in TBI because you are caught off guard and unable to brace yourself. When you slam your neck or head onto the ground, you do so with significant force. If you are not ready, it isn't uncommon for the brain to bounce around in your skull and suffer injury.

Most of these injuries are caused by dangerous conditions, conditions that are usually present on a construction site. For instance, spilled oil, grease, water or other liquids can catch you off-guard. Additionally, errant power cords, loose floorboards, uneven surfaces, debris, clutter or inadequate lighting all contribute to these dangerous conditions. As you probably noticed, most of these situations are present on your job site. Therefore, it is imperative that you pay close attention whenever you move around the site. You don't want to suffer a TBI on the job.

These injuries are difficult because you can manifest new symptoms months after your injury. Thus, when you suffer severe head trauma, you should consult with an attorney. You are entitled to file for workers' compensation if you were injured on the job, but it is imperative that you file claim fully reporting the extent of your injuries. If you suffered TBI, you might need substantial medical care which you will need your workers' compensation to cover. A lawyer can ensure that you cover all of yours bases when you file your claim, so you receive the compensation you deserve.


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