FACT: Motorcycle Accident Victims Need an Attorney

motorcycle accident infographic
motorcycle accident infographic


Motorcycle accidents, just like any other vehicular accident, should not be taken lightly. Almost 75% of all motorcycle accidents involve collisions with another vehicle1, and 45% result in more than a minor injury1. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important to know your legal options and how you can best help yourself, often with the help of a motorcycle accident attorney.

67% of accidents involving multiple vehicles are caused by drivers violating a motorcyclists’ right-of-way1. These motorcycle accidents most commonly occur at intersections, where many different traffic laws can also come into play. With so many variables, motorcycle accidents can become complex, which is why having an experienced motorcycle accident attorney is one of the best ways to help yourself and your case.

Just as you “dress for the slide, not the ride”, it is important to be prepared for an accident before the incident occurs. Immediately after a crash, call 911 and request medical help. Do not remove your helmet and gear. If you are able to, move off the road and to a safe area to wait for help.

Once the scene is safe, here are steps you should take to prepare for a later claim:

Tips to Protect Yourself In a Motorcycle Accident Case

Document the Evidence

Before leaving the scene of the accident, make sure to take pictures and write down the details of all the vehicles involved. It will be important for your claim to have a record of what the scene of the accident looked like. Details to document or photograph include:

  • Models and license plate numbers of all vehicles involved.
  • Contact and insurance for anyone involved in the accident, including passengers, motorists, and pedestrians.
  • Any damages to your motorcycle and any other vehicle.
  • Weather and road conditions.
  • Names and phone numbers of any witnesses.

Once returning home, do not make any repairs to your motorcycle until all damages have been documented. Also keep records of any injuries or medical attention you received because of the accident. Evidence from a car or motorcycle crash can be cleared away or destroyed. It is important to promptly contact an attorney who specializes in motorcycle accidents — the sooner you do, the more evidence they can collect, and the stronger your case will be.

Get Medical Treatment

For both your own well-being and a future court case, it is important you accept emergency response medical care. Due to adrenaline, you won’t necessarily notice your injuries right away, and motorcycle accidents can result in internal injuries such as organ damage. In a court case, waiting to receive help can signal that your injuries were not serious enough to pursue a claim. 

Stay on Site Until Police Arrive

Never leave the scene of the accident until police arrive. It is important to have the police document your side of the story, and if you leave too soon you could face criminal charges. Your statement will help determine fault and liability of the accident, which will be helpful in court.

Consult a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Talk with an attorney about the accident and evidence you have collected as soon as you can. They will be able to best advise you on your case and the options available to you. Until you have been properly advised, do not answer questions from the other side’s insurance company, and refrain from admitting fault or signing anything.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, Dugan & Associates, P.C. will work to pursue fair and just compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, bike repairs, and other difficulties you are facing. Contact us today online or by telephone at 412-353-3572 to speak with a knowledgeable Pennsylvania motorcycle accident lawyer.


Sources Referenced


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